Drained All the Time? The Psychological Causes of Exhaustion
Our modern lifestyles can mean sleep slips to the bottom of the list so often that ongoing tiredness can feel a normal part of life.
But don’t assume it’s just a lack of sleep leaving you drained. Tiredness is actually a sign of several psychological health conditions.
Why is fatigue related to our moods? And how can you tell if yours is a sign of a mental health issue?
Is it physical fatigue, or psychological fatigue?
Physical fatigue is when your body fails to perform in ways you are used to. You might find yourself exhausted by things that used to be easy, like walking up stairs or carrying groceries.
Psychological fatigue manifests as being unable to think as clearly as usual. Concentrating might be hard, you could feel like you have ‘muddy thinking’ or ‘brain fog’. Psychological fatigue can also manifest as feeling spacey, dizzy, or a ‘high’ feeling.
The assumption many erroneously make is that only psychological fatigue is a sign of mental health problems. But physical fatigue can also very much be a sign of depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
Sufferers report such things as ‘feeling like my body is made of lead’, or ‘it’s like I am carrying bags of sand on my shoulders’ and ‘everything feels weak’. Others report medically unexplainable aches and pains in their body that make them physically less capable.
How is it possible that low moods can make our body exhausted?
Low moods are generally linked to life stress and trauma, whether it is a recent experience or from the past. For example, perhaps your depression was triggered by a major life change like a breakup, redundancy, or bereavement.
Or it might just be that your low moods themselves are leaving you stressed. You might feel ashamed to not feel happy, worried your family or children will find out you are not yourself, or be anxious about the stigma mental health issues sadly still attract.
Stress of any kind causes the body to go into ‘fight or flight’ mode. It sees you experiencing a flood of adrenaline, a beating heart, tense muscles, and higher levels of cortisol. High levels of cortisol in particular, caused by any sort of ongoing stress, means the body doesn’t have a chance to return to a normal relaxed state. This inevitably results in not just fatigue but many other health issues.
With certain types of trauma, you might be in a constant state of emotional shock or have PTSD, which leaves you always on a ‘fight or flight’ high – understandably draining on your body. Emotional shock also causes your neurons to fire more rapidly so you feel ‘hyper vigilant’ to deal with the perceived threat. It leads to cycles of feeling very ‘on’ then crashing into exhaustion.
Tired vs depressed – what’s the difference?
If your schedule is hectic, you are under any sort of stress that is disturbing your sleep, or you have changed your exercise routine or a medication, you might just have general exhaustion.
But if your sense of fatigue carries on for more than a few weeks, start to look for other signs which can signal you are actually experiencing depression or emotional shock.
One of the main things to look for is your levels of enthusiasm. Are you still interested in things you have always loved? Do you still want to see your friends when you have a spare moment, crave your favorite dance class at the gym? Or do you find yourself feeling listless and apathetic, possibly avoiding friends and loved ones?
Also look for changes in the basics, food and sex drive. Are you eating more or less than usual? Is your libido totally gone, or are you suddenly using sexual encounters in a non positive way?
(read our comprehensive Guide to Depression to learn other signs of depression).
Be wary of assuming your fatigue is just from far too much stress and not taking it seriously. High levels of stress is itself is enough to trigger clinical depression and anxiety disorders.
Feeling tired even when the worst of your stress has died down is a sign you need to look at whether you need mental health support.
But I’m only tired because I don’t sleep well. Surely that isn’t psychological?
One of the main reasons we feel tired is because of losing sleep.
But then the question becomes, why are you you losing sleep, really?
Low moods and anxiety are often behind sleep problems. For example, the negative thinking and and worries depression brings can keep you up at night.
(Can’t sleep? Read our comprehensive Guide to Sleep Problems).
Of course one could argue they it’s the other way around – they are depressed because of losing sleep. Tiredness means you can’t think straight, which can lead to being late for things, or messing up at work or with social arrangements, or overeating. This all understandably can leave you frustrated and miserable. So in this case, it seems like not sleeping caused the depression.
Depression and insomnia are often so intertwined it’s often a chicken or egg situation over which came first, or what scientists call a ‘bidirectional’ relationship. So in most cases it can’t hurt to look at ways to feel better about yourself and your life if sleeping has becoming a challenge.
If you have not slept well for six weeks or more, and have tried all sleep advice to no avail, it is a good idea to talk to your GP. He or she can recommend sleep specialists or perhaps a short round of sleep medication. They will also ask you questions to help determine if there is psychological reason you aren’t sleeping, and if a mental health intervention such as a round of CBT or a private therapist would be useful for you.
But maybe it isn’t depression at all that has me exhausted, but chronic fatigue syndrome?
Despite new research, it’s still not completely certain what causes chronic fatigue syndrome. Whereas at one point sufferers were left to feel ‘it’s all in their head’, The World Health Organisation (WHO) now classifies CFS as a neurological illness.
At the same time, it is recognised that mental health issues are often one of the main contributing causes of chronic fatigue syndrome, if not something that develops hand in hand with it due to the stress the condition can bring to the sufferers life.
Here in the UK, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) advises a treatment program that equally manages the physical and mental care of the client, and the NHS offers cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as a main part of treatment.
Can therapy give me more energy?
Long term, absolutely. Therapy can help you feel more energised in several ways.
First, it can help you learn to recognise your patterns of negative thinking that lead to stress as well as your negative decision making which can be the cause of more stress (CBT in particular focuses on this art of thought recognition).
Second, it can help you start to see and stand up for the ‘you’ in ‘your life’. Where are you doing what you really want, and where are you doing what you feel you should do, or what your parents or family want you to do? Are you living from your own values, or those of others? Do you even know your own perspective?
Therapy helps you make steps towards a life that is suited to you, and not to the pressures you have felt. And there is nothing more energising than waking up to a life that matches you perfectly.
Third, therapy helps you to have better relationships. While it can seem easier to go through life just saying yes to everyone rather than upsetting them, the price is always being drained and losing sight of your own identity. Therapy helps you work on any codependency issues you might have, and teaches you how to set boundaries.
All this aside, therapy is not a skip through the park. At first, it can seem very overwhelming to face up to all the thoughts, feelings, and memories you might have spent great effort avoiding. Many people report feeling utterly exhausted for the first few months.
But this, at least, is a good kind of exhaustion, because it’s the result of hard work on yourself that leads you towards the life you want and energy levels you might not have realised you were missing out on.
Photos by Charlotte Marillet, Dan4th Nicholas, Julian Stallabrass, jinterwas
Andrea M. Darcy is a health and wellbeing expert, who has done some training in person-centred counselling and coaching. She often writes about trauma, relationships, and ADHD, and advises people on how to plan their therapy journey. Find her on Instagram @am_darcy

What I.am feeling now getting it over with I can’t stand myself no more I feel very upset & lost I’ve been trying so hard not to something stupid but I am stupid to most or all people. I was born with my mother tube tie around my neck lack of oxygen that why am stupid than my brother & sister. That’s been bothering me since able too speak and talk. I’m very hard on myself ever day that does leed up to everything else I have 1 brother & 1 sister that I don’t want even talk with them after they told me only after my stepmother had just passed which also she’d had problems with me I don’t know what myself because what father had said about me again I don’t know, back to brother and sister they had said in a conversation together didn’t seem I wad Included that been talking with each other for 30 years together with out asking me to be Involved. I wasn’t very happy with this never new about that that was a complete shock & very upsetting still constantly thinking about even now it’s bothering me as writing this to whoever. My life as I’m 60 year’s old been same woman for over 18 years love very much even with our relationship ot good she’s has 3 kids which never really brother me because I always enjoy her company I still do but I could be also over too, thats why I’m writing this email because this life of mine van kill and I don’t care anymore what happens to me anymore I don’t want be no more it hurts way to much and I really feel stupid inside & out. I don’t wanna go on killing spreed and kill everyone in sight. Please 🙏 I care about orher people’s rights i just don’t want them to stop me either. Not sure how do it but don’t deal with this situation anymore I’m so trapped and tried of this it just don’t go away and I’ve tried so many ways to let it go go, but it keeps on coming back I pushed it way down back it’s keeps destroying me when this comes back. Electrician is my trade basically starting back I 1978 mother saw big trouble maker when very young kick me out of her house made go live with my father that to the biggest ass hole of my world. Never was my father growing up to busy drinking whatever with my mother till all hours of the night, lived with this ass hole for 3 months before I could ask my mother if could come back, thank you God I could away from him my father say more for his step kids than anything good about me I wasn’t good enough for him. He’d said another but never Damm thing really together I even
MOTHER, SISTER, BROTHER ALWAYS TELL I had anger problems I just like dad , they don’t know what they talking about that when I was younger probably another reason I don’t wanna talk too them ….
Please 🙏 I will sending this short story of my live I just some real help I can’t take this shit seriously Anymore, also was laid – off from company back I have many issues with them to stealing my working Hour’s from me and no will help out, I m sorry but in very tried and not doing good I don’t feel like texting no more.
Don’t worry about anything writing me back I’ve been screwed before by another people even own family but was hoping someone could help me with this situation.
Me & my future wife supposed go to North Lincoln New Hampshire today until I screwed that up too because this depression it puts in kinda limbo she’d didn’t hear a Damm thing about anything I wanted to say didn’t her Damm sodas at irving gas station so I’m heading up a lone haven’t looked at any her texts yet
Sometimes I rather be dead than keep on breathing I’m so tired of all of this life of mine I’m so trapped and tried I want out made soon
For letting write you
This was an interesting, concise & accessible read, confirming things in my mind. I think it was the egg that came first. It’s complicated – I have M.E. It took a year to push it into remission from age 16 after a chest infection hospitalised me 6 months prior. Had to stop doing my A-Levels (if you knew, what I had had to do, to get my GCSE’s, you’d know how devastating that was) & go into various therapies. I had a counsellor, a physiotherapist & a nutritionist. After being discharged from those services, I then sank into a deep depression. I’ve had depressive episodes since I was 13 & I didn’t know what it was called then, but I’ve been anxious since I was 10. The M.E. recurred age 34 after domestic violence, I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, then PTSD. What you said about breaking negative codependent cycles really chimed. Being scapegoated at age 10 by my narcissistic parents, paved the way for everyone thereafter to do the same. Programmed to serve – I’m sick of being the fixer – what about MY problems? Years of ill-health, realising that it must be genetic, as my mother, sister, two aunts & two cousins ALL have multiple health problems, I found out, FINALLY at age 36, after 8 years of fighting to see a geneticist, I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type III – Hypermobility Type. It explains pretty much all my diagnoses, why everything hurts, so many issues with internal organs, anything involving soft tissue doesn’t work properly. Joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, all screwed. It explains why my immune system doesn’t work properly. I have autonomic dysfunction & it sucks so bad, I WOULD wish this on my worst enemy. I was diagnosed with EUPD age 39. I know more in the last two years, since going no contact with my ex-“father” & his 2nd wife, than I ever knew before about mental exhaustion – that was how they were controlling me. Controlling how I thought about myself, all these years, since I was 13. He masqueraded her as his “friend from work”, had us feeling sorry for her & we invited her into our family home for Christmas. Eight days later, on my 13th birthday, she was still there. Over the following years, they destroyed my family. I can’t forgive & I won’t ever forget. That’s the biggest part, of why I am so angry all the time. That’s exhausting. There’s no point confronting him, you end up in a circular argument & metaphorically-puking from the vertigo, he is pure evil. Hyper-vigilance & currently a 5mm kidney stone keeps me up all through the night into the morning. I sleep when everyone else gets up. I don’t want to participate, people irritate me so much, I am better off staying at home. I get scared of my temper, sometimes. I stopped angry-drinking & sad-drinking when Covid hit. No more ambulance rides to an infectious building, thank you! I realised, I just had to stop drinking. Interactions with my prescribed medications could have killed me. The twisted thing is, you get help in crisis, when in hospital. They ask “who is your care coordinator”? I say “I don’t have one, they won’t give me one”. You go home, to NO care coordinator, NO therapy, NO community outreach, NO counselling, NO CHANCE of recovery. I don’t fall into the catchment area for two mental health charities. I’ve given up on the NHS for my mental health & “social” “services”. If she ain’t social & she ain’t doin’ no work: SHE AIN’T A SOCIAL WORKER. I’m nearly 50 now & I’m literally so sick & tired & so damn BORED, of it all.
Peter Kinney, I think you wrote your comment in great anguish, in a serious crisis. I hope you reached out to someone in the real world & that they responded to you. This is a UK site, I am in the UK, so I don’t know how services do or do not work there in the US, but it seems to me, from what you said & how you said it, that you might have either or both, PTSD – EUPD. Some people along the line were happy, gleeful even, to make you hurt, hurt inside & hurt yourself. I feel your pain, don’t carry their shame, it’s them to blame. They bred your self-hatred for their gain. They are NOT worth your head-space. I too, had the cord round my neck when my mother was trying to give birth to me. I don’t have intellectual disability, but I am convinced that a traumatic birth was the root of my emotional instability. I was born blue, then I was yellow (jaundice) & in an incubator for two days. I often, in my dark moments, wish I had not survived. They would not have been able to use & abuse me & disabuse me of my rights, basic human rights, if I had not made it. We are not on this Earth to serve people we did not give birth to. We have to break the cycle, that the monsters deny exists; these dysfunctional patterns are things I have been trying to buck against all my life. But narcissists want you to be sick & so unhealthy; toxicity is all they offered & I could take no more. They are the parasites & no contact is the antibiotics. I am still mentally-ill, of course, I probably always will be, but ditching (FOR GOOD) a so-called “friend” (she tried to hoover me the other day), at the same time as my ex-“father” & his 2nd wife, were the best things I’ve done in DECADES. Ditch the sandbags, it’s the only way back up – block them, block them, BLOCK THEM. It’s your time now. I hope you can rise up. One:LOVE.