Feel stuck in life, or like nothing makes sense? Looking for a therapy that makes your life more meaningful and productive and that integrates mindfulness into its process?
What is ACT therapy?
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is from the cognitive behavioural school of thought, and is a psychotherapy that can be offered either short or long-term.
ACT therapy focuses on helping you to be psychologically 'flexible', meaning you learn to recognise and accept what you can’t control, and to commit to taking actions over what you can. The end result is a more meaningful, happier life.
The acceptance and commitment therapy model
A critical assumption of ACT is that pain and suffering are a normal and unavoidable part of human experience, and that it is actually our attempts to control and avoid these experiences that is at the root of any long-term suffering. When we learn how to accept what comes in life, without evaluating and judging our experiences, we are then free to 'act'.
- Accept your reactions and be present
- Choose a valued direction
- Take action.
What issues an ACT counselling help me with?
It can be used to treat depression and anxiety disorders, as well as a variety of other issues including stress, phobias, physical pain, and unexplained medical symptoms.
ACT is especially considered a highly effective treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), helping you to accept what you experienced rather than attempting to change the feelings that occur because of it.
ACT therapists at Harley Therapy, London
Would you like to work with an ACT therapist who is trained at a top institution, and has minimum of ten years experience working with issues just like yours? We offer you therapy you can trust, with counselling psychologists and psychotherapists who are known for being experts in their field.
With offices on Harley Street, near Liverpool Street, or at London Bridge, we can connect you with an ACT therapist near you, and can in some cases offer online therapy. Call us now to make your first appointment or use our online booking form.
What is an ACT session like?
During ACT therapy you and your therapist will work closely together, in 50-minute sessions, using the three main tools of mindfulness, acceptance, and commitment.
Mindfulness means turning your attention to your present experience, and the thoughts, feelings, and sensations you are currently having.
Acceptance involves learning to allow the thoughts, emotions, and experiences that arise during mindfuless and in life to be what they are, without attaching meaning to them, or trying to control or avoid them.
Commitment means we use our personal values to then determine what is important to us, and to then take action steps towards positive behavioural and life changes.
ACT vs CBT therapy
Like CBT, acceptance and commitment therapy is a part of what is called the 'third wave' of therapy. These are action-orientated therapies that focus on your thinking and your current issues, helping you move towards your life goals.
But where cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) focuses on helping you to control and change your thoughts and feelings, ACT exchanges control for acceptance. It teaches you to notice, accept and embrace your thoughts and feelings over struggling against them.
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How to book your appointment
Call us now on 0345 474 1724 OR book online
All practitioners are qualified and accredited with reputable professional associations.

Issues ACT Therapy can help with:
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