Harley Therapy

Person-Centred Counselling in London

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  • Looking for a therapist who truly believes in you and your potential, and sees past your coping mechanisms? 
  • And a therapy where you decide the agenda, not the therapist? 

What is person-centred therapy?

Person-centred psychotherapy is an open-ended form of talk therapy based on the belief that each of us has all the inner resources we need to thrive. We simply need someone to help us access and use those resources.

Also called ‘client-centred therapy’, or 'Rogerian therapy’, after its famous founder, psychologist Carl Rogers, it's a therapy that comes under the humanistic umbrella. Humanistic psychology believes that we all contain untapped potential.

Key things to know

A person-centred therapist creates a safe space for you to ‘self actualise’, to find within you the most authentic and empowered version of yourself and bring it forth. 

  • it focuses on what is right with you, not what is wrong 
  • it sees you as equal to the therapist, not as a ‘doctor/patient’ relationship
  • you decide what to talk about, not the therapist
  • and the relationship you have with your therapist is seen as an important part of therapy
  • it focuses as much on the present as the past, if not more
  • and on a free environment to be you, over any need to ‘fix’ you. 

What issues can it help me with?

 Person-centred counselling is a good all rounder therapy for things like the following:

  • anxiety and stress
  • anger issues
  • bereavement and loss
  • depression and low moods
  • family issues 
  • life change and challenges
  • relationship problems
  • sexuality and identity issues. 

Person-centred counselling at Harley Therapy™, London

 All of the psychologists and psychotherapists at Harley Therapy™ work from a humanistic viewpoint, and we also have therapists trained directly in the person-centred approach (scroll down to see their profiles). 

Call us to find out more, or book an assessment  using our booking form now. Therapists are available at Harley Street, City of London, London Bridge, and online. 

The benefits of person-centred psychotherapy 

Person-centred counselling can lead to results like:

  • a stronger sense of identity and greater self-belief
  • better ability to be yourself and accept others
  • healthier relationships
  • confidence in your own choices
  • a wider perspective on yourself and life
  • hope for your future
  • a capacity to be open and navigate change.

The core concepts 

At one time considered fairly radical, the three ‘core conditions’ of person-centred therapy now inform most modern talk therapies. These are congruence, authentictity, and unconditional positive regard. 

Congruence means your therapist is their real selves, they don’t pretend to be all knowing or superior. 

Empathy means that your therapist will never feel sorry for you but will instead respect your experiences and work to understand what you have been through and how you see the world. 

Unconditional positive regard (UPR) means accepting and respecting others just as they are, while at the same time holding a vision of their full potential. 

What is a session like? 

Sessions will be weekly, and last about 50 minutes. Your person-centred counsellor will ask questions which lead you to deep discoveries about your feelings, your blind spots, your needs and your hopes. Your therapist will be empathic, understanding, supportive and non-judgemental.

How many sessions will I need?

There is no limit to the number of sessions, it can be a short or long-term therapy. And often it’s open-ended. Meaning unlike CBT where you contract with your therapist for a set number of appointments, with Rogerian therapy you can see how it goes. You decide together with your therapist when you no longer need to attend sessions. 


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All of our practitioners are qualified and accredited with reputable professional associations for counselling and psychotherapy.

Updated Sep 27, 2024 by Dr. Sheri Jacobson Dr Sheri Jacobson

Person-Centred in London

Person-centred therapy helps with:

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What is person-centred therapy (PCT)?

PCT focuses on how a person sees themselves and why. It helps you see the inner resources you had all along, and then put those 'inner tools' to work so you can be the best, empowered version of the person you always were.

Is person-centred therapy available on the NHS?

It is rare to be offered person-centred counselling on the NHS, where you are more likely to be offered cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or a short form of psychodynamic therapy. 

Does Harley Therapy offer person-centred in London?

Harley Therapy offers person-centred therapy in London, as well as online. There are several experienced therapists available to you, so you’ll be able to find the most appropriate one.

Who is Carl Rogers?

Carl Rogers was a psychologist who started his career when the Freudian-influenced psychodynamic therapy was the going trend. But he witnessed that his clients did better when he recognised them as powerful and sought to seek what was right with them, here and now, instead of searching their past for what was 'wrong' with them. He realised that by being fully present for his clients, and fully 'seeing' them, they began to flourish and find their own inner resources. Carl Rogers bought the concepts of empathy, authenticity, and respect and high regard for clients to the therapy world, becoming a key player of the humanistic psychology movement and going on to create person-centred therapy, which sees the client as an equal to the therapist. 

How is person-centred therapy different to psychodynamic therapy?

  • it focuses on what is right with you, not what is wrong 
  • it refers to the past but has more of a focus on the here and now and current issues
  • you decide what to talk about, not the therapist
  • it is a client/therapist working together, not a 'doctor/patient' relationship. 

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